ADHD & Autism Assessment

Neurodiversity-affirming assessments to help you understand how you work

You’re ready to understand how you work and what you need to thrive.


Seeking an assessment for Autism or ADHD as an adult can be both daunting and empowering. You may have felt different for most of your life, struggled to fit into societal norms, or faced challenges that others seemed to navigate with ease. You have probably wondered why things feel so much harder for you or judged yourself for your struggles. My goal is to provide a supportive, affirming environment where you can explore and understand how your brain works with confidence and compassion.

Wondering if you have ADHD or are Autistic?

Many adults who seek an assessment for Autism or ADHD share common experiences and feelings, including:

  • Feeling Different: You might have always felt out of sync with your peers, experiencing the world in a unique way that others don’t seem to understand.

  • Challenges with Everyday Tasks: Whether it’s maintaining focus, organizing tasks, or managing time, you may find certain daily activities particularly challenging.

  • Social Struggles: Interactions with others can sometimes be confusing or exhausting. You might find it hard to read social cues, maintain conversations, or form lasting relationships.

  • Sensory Sensitivities: Loud noises, bright lights, or certain textures might overwhelm you, leading to discomfort or distress in environments that others find neutral.

  • A Lifelong Search for Answers: Perhaps you've spent years seeking explanations for your experiences, trying different coping strategies, or even feeling misunderstood by professionals and loved ones. You may have collected several diagnoses along the day that capture part of your experience, but don’t quite fully fit.

What Does Neurodiversity-Affirming Assessment Mean?


A neurodiversity-affirming assessment is rooted in respect and recognition of the diverse ways in which human brains operate. In my view (and that of others far wiser than me), autism and ADHD constitute different neurotypes rather than disorders or deficits. A neurotype is simply how your brain processes information, experiences emotion and interacts with the world – no neurotype is better or “more right” than the other, they’re simply different.  

Here’s what that means for you:

  • Strengths-Based Approach: I focus on your strengths and unique abilities, not just the challenges you face.

  • Respect and Validation: Your experiences and feelings are valid. I listen to your story without judgment and respect your self-knowledge.

  • Culturally Responsive: I consider how your cultural background and experiences intersect with your neurodiversity, ensuring a holistic understanding of your identity.

  • Empowerment: My goal is to empower you with knowledge and understanding of your neurodiversity, fostering a positive self-image and self-acceptance.

ADHD and Autism assessment is a diagnostic process that involves a comprehensive evaluation of how you function, behave, and experience the world. The goal is to leave with self-understanding and tools to thrive.


What you can expect in the assessment process:

  1. Initial consultation: We’ll discuss what you’re looking for out of an assessment, discuss your present concerns, and identify which assessments are best suited to your needs

  2. Assessment sessions: We’ll meet 1-3 times to discuss and explore who you are and how you work. This includes in-depth interviews, standardized measures, and observations and self reports. I may also ask to meet with a collaborative source with your consent.

  3. Feedback and reports: I will meet with you to discuss all the feedback they have for you, which includes information about diagnosis (if applicable), how you function best, and recommendations for supports and services that may be most beneficial to you. You’ll also receive a suite of letters and tools to use as needed moving forward.

  4. Ongoing support: I remain available for follow-up sessions to discuss any questions, provide additional support, or adjust strategies as needed. My goal is to ensure you’re armed with the information and tools you need to succeed.

Let’s get started

At Asha Mental Health, you are more than just a set of symptoms or test results. You are a unique individual with your own story, strengths, and potential. I am here to support you in understanding and embracing your neurodiversity, fostering a life where you feel truly seen, accepted, and valued for who you are.



  • Our ADHD and autism assessment services are available for adults (age 18+).

  • Yes, if you have a plan I am currently in network with. Find more information about your insurance availability here. Otherwise I can provide documentation so you can seek reimbursement from your insurance plan.

  • The investment for ADHD testing is $1,800 and is $2,500 for Autism testing. This fee covers the clinical interview, all clinical assessments, scoring and interpretation, report writing, and a feedback session to share your results and recommendations with you. A $500 deposit is required to book your testing appointment, and payment plans are available for the remaining cost.

  • Our testing will provide insight into how you function, what has been contributing to your current struggles, and what supports and resources may be helpful to you, regardless of your final diagnosis. You'll also leave with a clear understanding of why a diagnosis did not fit for you.

  • Asha does not offer medication services at this time, but I am happy to connect you with other providers I know and trust to take care of your medication needs. I also play an active role in collaborating with your prescriber to ensure they understand what your symptoms are and what may be most helpful to you in treatment based on your assessment results.